Order Up!

A waiter takes an order

As a Feng Shui consultant I often begin my work with new clients by guiding them through the process of thoughtfully taking an inventory of their lives. From this vantage point we are then able to identify those areas where a little sprinkling of life’s magic in the form of Feng Shui is in order. It is in this space of consciousness where the fun really begins; the exciting time where we work together to “order up” their dreams and goals.

Recently a client of mine shared that she wanted to enroll her daughter, Jenna, into a Reverse Mainstream program. Reverse Mainstream programs bring non-disabled children into preschool classes serving children with developmental delays. The program allows a variety of children to learn and play together, builds self-esteem, develops acceptance of others, provides age-appropriate peer models, and includes age-appropriate activities. While my client loved the idea of her daughter participating in this wonderful program she did not have the money available to pay the $600.00 enrollment fee. The good news is that my client was open to creating a plan of action to “order up” her heartfelt desires using the most powerful combination ever; the magic of Feng Shui and the Universal Laws of Manifesting Change.

And so we got to work creating her very own “order up” plan. Here it is along with some quick tips for each step:

Step 1. Get clear and really define what you want in terms of the end result; think in terms of the “finished product.” In my client’s case REALLY believing that she now has $600.00 available to pay the enrollment fee required for her daughter to participate in the Reverse Mainstream Program. This is Step #1 for a reason – your thoughts become things! They always have and they always will. This is how you can change your life. I realize that this sounds so simple but it’s truly the answer and the solution. Remember you are actively creating your corner of the world and all that you experience. With this principle for better or worse you can bring virtually anything you can imagine into your life!

Step 2. Visualize your desired outcome at least once a day for no more than 5 minutes. I requested that my client visualize seeing herself smiling and writing out the check to pay the enrollment fee in full and handing the check to the registrar by the required deadline. No need to do it more than once a day. Just one time with conviction will do the job. Really take the time to savor the details of the experience as if it were actually happening in that moment. Now if you’d like to take this a step a bit further consider creating a scrap book or vision board that contains pictures showing the details of your dreamed of life or current goals and spend time looking at it each day.

Step 3. Add a sprinkling of Feng Shui magic to the mix by engaging the power of the “Helpful People” box. In Feng Shui there is a specific area of the home associated with Helpful People and Travel. The area or gua as it is commonly referred to in Feng Shui is located in the front right corner of your home as you enter through the main door. Just as the name implies, this area represents attracting helpful people of any description into your life, along with opening more opportunities for travel and adventure. I requested that my client create a “Helpful People” box by simply taking a small metal tin with a lid and writing down on a piece of paper a “prayer of thanks” for the specific help that she currently needs and to place her request in the box and then place the box in the Helpful People and Travel gua of her home. My client wrote the following “prayer of thanks” and placed it in her Helpful People box; “The perfect support team to assist me with enrolling Jenna in the Reverse Mainstream program this year. Thank you!” Notice how general her request was worded. No need to hem in the Universe for it always knows exactly how to go about aligning our desires with the perfect outcomes. Her next task was to simply surrender her “prayer of thanks” to the Universe trusting that help will arrive.

Step 4. Create an action plan. Take a sheet of paper and write your goal/dream across the top of the page. Next draw a line down the middle of the page so that you now have two columns. At the top of the left column write down your name and at the top the right column write “The Universe.” By the way, you can do this for any and all of your dreams and goals. Just note that each dream will require its own sheet of paper. Now on your side of the page, think about and then write down anything and everything you can do to further your advancement toward the realization of your dream or goal. If you happen to get a little stuck doing this exercise think about how you would coach a friend if they were trying to accomplish your goal or better yet chat up your friends and ask for fresh ideas. Remember this process is all about brainstorming ideas and then taking action!

Here is just a brief sampling of the many ideas listed in my client’s column; notice that each item requires ACTION!

Post a notice on Facebook announcing a yard sale and mention that all of the proceeds will be used to pay the enrollment fees for her daughter, Jenna, to participate in the Reverse Mainstream program.

Ask family, friends, neighbors and co-workers if they would like to donate items to sell at the yard sale agreeing that all sales proceeds will be used towards paying for the enrollment fees.

Sell lemonade and baked treats during the yard sale with all sales proceeds to be used towards paying for the enrollment fees.

While there is certainly nothing new on this list by way of ideas, what’s new is the effort and intention that my client will bring to them. The point here is that each action that my client takes in response to her list is in effect a pitch to the Universe. You don’t know what pitch the Universe is going to smack out of the ball park so you just keep pitching. Another way to look at it is that you are in effect knocking on every door while not insisting that any one particular door open. Change direction if need be but don’t just stop showing up and taking action towards the realization of your goal. Trust that your efforts are creating the right conditions to turn your goal into a reality. Remember, for every baby step that you take in the general direction towards the realization of your goal the Universe will take 10,000 more on your behalf!

Now on the right side of the column for “The Universe” think of all of the possible magic, miracles, coincidences and happy accidents that you might experience all of which will help catapult you towards the realization of your goal. This is where you are going to list what “The Universe” can do for you. Here are a few examples to consider;

Help you unexpectedly meet new people who can help you AND offer you some much needed bright ideas

Provide inspiration and motivation when you really need it the most

Open your eyes to new possibilities and give you the courage to embrace them

Arrange circumstances to ease your journey and open your eyes to any obstacles on your path

Reveal your limited thinking and limiting beliefs so that you can clearly see new possibilities

Accumulate physical resources so that you can summon new opportunities into your life

And of course much, much more! Remember the Universe is limitless in its ability to conspire on your behalf to bring about the manifestation of your desired dreams and goals! Just realize that the more you do, the more the Universe can do for you as each one of your baby steps exponentially increases the Universe’s ability to reach you.

So now you have an action list AND an idea of the many ways that the Universe will be assisting you in the realization of your goal. Each day make it a point to refer back to your chart and begin to notice when and where the magic, miracles and happy accidents are beginning to show up in your life.

Step 5. Don’t spend time worrying about “how” exactly your goal will come true. Please don’t waste your time wondering “how” you are going to get from here to there. When you do that it’s very much like trying to map the unseen; it simply isn’t possible! Allow me to share with you why this last step is so important to understand. Just because you can’t see something happening doesn’t mean that it’s not happening and that fully applies to both the magic of Feng Shui and when partnering with the Universe. Your job is keep on showing up and taking unending baby steps towards the realization of your goal. Oh, and here’s one last thing to always remember; you can’t know where or when the Universe will enter your affairs only that IT WILL! That’s 100% guaranteed!

So the next time you’re in the market to “order up” a dream or goal, consider following these 5 easy steps. Of course it’s always a good idea to prepare to be astounded! Harnessing the infinite grace of the Universe and the magic of Feng Shui is what I consider cake and pie! Piece of cake and easy as pie!

Ps.  If you would like to learn more about Feng Shui please check out my website “Todayisyourluckydayfengshui” your source for FREE comprehensive and easy to follow DIY (Do it Yourself) Feng Shui step by step quick reference guides. For more information on manifesting change please check out the many brilliant books on this topic by Abraham-Hicks and Mike Dooley.

© Lori Blevins and http://todayisyourluckdayblog.wordpress.com, July 30, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Lori Blevins and https://todayisyourluckydayblog.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Categories: Feng Shui

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