Apple Baseball

apple baseball

Have you ever had one of those days at work where it just seems like you’re literally working in a pressure cooker with no relief in sight? Your every turn is graced with yet another time sensitive assignment? You wonder what the weather is like outside because you simply haven’t had a spare moment to look up? You can barely hear the radio over your growling stomach and incessantly grumbling co-workers? Days where your phone may as well serve as your official egg timer because it continually rings every 5 minutes?

Like so many others, I have often spent many days working tirelessly in these conditions all the while feeling anxious, unkind and disconnected. My inner joy bunny banished to the back of the bus. One day I decided to do something entirely different, something entirely unexpected, something entirely new and spontaneous! I decided it was time to introduce my co-workers to the experience of having FUN at work.

Late one Thursday afternoon I happened to look up and notice that it was once again already well past quitting time. As I looked around the office, I noticed that many of my co-workers were still seated at their desks toiling away oblivious to the hour. Having been seemingly glued to my chair for hours on end I decided that it was time for a much needed break. As I slowly raised from my chair a glimmer of an idea danced before me. Smiling, my inner joy bunny quivered in anticipation.

Quietly I slipped out the front door and made my way to a nearby grocery store. As the automatic doors opened I breezed in and walked directly to the produce department. Minutes later with bounty in hand I made my way next door to a sports equipment resale store. It took less than five minutes to eye my prize, a used wooden baseball bat. I excitedly left the shopping center and made my way back to the office beaming, my inner joy bunny now in full command.

Moments later I gather my battle wary co-workers and ask that they join me outside in the parking lot. My request is met with blank stares. Okay, I mention that had a surprise waiting outside for them. That did it! One by one they slowly made their way outside, bleary eyes squinting in the late afternoon sunlight. Curious several wonder out loud why I was holding a baseball bat and what was the deal with all of those apples? Enthusiastically I responded, “It’s time to play apple baseball!” I am greeted with stunned silence. Apparently my colleagues had never played apple baseball. Yay, new recruits!

And so the game began in a grassy area next to the office parking lot. I offered the bat to my co-worker who eagerly stepped up ready to play. Grabbing an apple from the bag I pitch it. Her first swing misses the apple entirely. Another apple pitched, this time it connects with the bat, suddenly it is raining bits of apple and sprays of juice. Smiles! Next batter up. Apple tossed. The bat and apple connect and we are once again showered with apple spray. More smiles and now laughter. Next batter up. The bantering begins. Hey batter, batter. Swing. Crack. Instant impact and apple bits go flying in all directions. Cheering! At this point we are all laughing, smiling, and teasing one another as we gleefully wipe off bits of apple from our clothes and skin. We are truly a completely different group of people. We continue to play through four bags of apples and by the time we are done apple bits have rained down on just about everyone and everything around us. We are happy and filled with joy. Our thirty minutes of play had achieved something we all thought impossible, we actually had FUN while at work! That momentary bit of joy unleashed our ability to once again feel calm, kind and connected and more importantly achieve a much needed sense of balance.

Looking back that experience taught me so many valuable lessons. I learned that when I am running the energy of feeling anxious, unkind and disconnected that I am in essence living in the weeds of life. When I am in this space, I know that it’s time to take a break and unleash my inner joy bunny. It’s time to invite a bit of fun back into my day. Another thing I learned is that I don’t have to wait to finish something in order to take a break and go play. Sometimes that’s exactly what I need to do in order to get something finished. In the end, it’s all about achieving balance and sometimes balance requires equal measures of work and play. So how about it, are you ready for a game of apple baseball?

© Lori Blevins and, August 7, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Lori Blevins and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Photo credit: Joey Wallace.

Categories: Inspirational

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2 replies

  1. In Japan in the summer, watermelons are beaten with a stick instead of slicing them open… kind of fun though I must admit to being shocked since the watermelon was something like $25.00.. but if you have cheap watermelons this might be a nice variation.. water melon bashing..
    you can eat the chunks.

    • Hi Trudie!
      Thanks so much for checking out my latest story “Apple Baseball.” Wow, it sounds like the wonderful people of Japan really know how to have fun with their produce. I’d love to experience watermelon bashing one day! Thanks so much for sharing and as always thank you so very much for your wonderful encouragement and support! Blessings, Lori Blevins 😀

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